Stop the press! Essex County Council Teaching and Learning Short Review
Dear Parents,
At our request, Iain Birtwell, one of Essex’s County Council’s Excellence and Standards Commissioners undertook a short, one-day review of Quilters Junior School and its Quiltonians.
As I’d expected, it went exceptionally well and I wanted to share excerpts of his report with you:
Overall findings
For the full report, read 'the Quiltonian Times' fourth edition in the 'key information section'.
There is clear evidence throughout the school that demonstrates the school’s drive to provide the highest quality provision, leading to the high outcomes for all its pupils.
The school has developed an impressive consistency in its teaching. Throughout the school children speak enthusiastically about the way adults work with them, challenging, encouraging and supporting them to succeed.
The school whilst striving for the highest academic outcomes for children has not narrowed its curriculum to seek success in SATs, rather it has broadened it to engage and motivate pupils. Quilters Radio and Quilters TV clearly show the outward looking approach that has been developed by the school.
Children enjoy coming to Quilters Juniors, they gain significantly from their time in school enjoying success in a wide range of areas due to their commitment, high expectations from staff and from unswerving drive from school leaders. Quilters Juniors has much to be proud of and should look forward to its next inspection with great confidence.