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Staff administering medicine - the school's procedure

Medical Information


It is vital that parents provide us with any relevant medical history.  Our concern is for the well-being of the children whilst in school and such information will be held confidentially. There are some medical conditions, such as asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and severe allergies, where staff will have to be involved and may need to administer medication. We work in partnership with parents and an Individual Health Care Plan will need to be completed.  This can be obtained from the school office.


Medication must be clearly labelled and kept up to date. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that any medication held in school is within its expiry date and that it has clear instructions for administration.  Medication will be kept in a medical cupboard in the office.  For children who have an Epi-pen, one will be kept in the office and a second in your child’s classroom.


If you child requires cream for a skin condition, please contact the school for a form.


We do not administer medication such as antibiotics and antihistamine creams.  If children need these during the school day, parents or a nominated person can come into school to administer these through prior arrangement with the office.

Please complete if your child has any medical conditions and requirements.
