At Quilters, we believe that we offer an outstanding curriculum. It is broad and balanced. It seeks to give every child the chance to thrive, use their unique talents and feel special.
As a school, we are clear what end points the curriculum is building towards and what pupils need to know and be able to do to reach those end points. The school’s curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build upon what has been taught the year before and towards our clearly defined end points.
The curriculum of the Quilters Federation is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Pupils have the opportunity to visit care homes and get a taste of 'working' in the care industry; they have the opportunity to work in 'Sarah's Garden'; they have the chance to sample the catering industry by running their own pop-up cafes and restaurants and they get to learn about the construction industry, taking part in the school's award-winning Construction Wise Minds Initiative.
There is high academic/vocational/technical ambition for all pupils, and the school does not offer disadvantaged pupils or pupils with SEND a reduced curriculum.
Below, you will find our 'Progression Grids' for every subject, from EYFS to Year 6.
For more information about the curriculum please contact the school office and ask for Miss Hales, the Junior School Deputy Head Teacher.