Mission CPR - 22nd June
Heart Start – Mission CPR On June 22nd, Quilters Junior School will be one of few Primary Schools selected by the British Heart Foundation to take part in their national day of promoting CPR.
Its message: “CPR isn’t difficult, but it’s the difference between life and death.”
At 9.15am, Year 5 will offer a CPR training session for any of their parents, carers or family where they, along with our brilliant Heart Start Team of volunteers, will show them how to do CPR and how to use the recovery position. It will be very practical!
On the day, the pupils will be making their own CPR awareness video for QTV and will be running a practical revision session for Years 3 and 4 in the playground.
If you have a child in Year 5 please join the children in school that morning, if you are able. You never know when you might need to use CPR to save a life!