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Important safeguarding information for parents/carers

Safeguarding Our Children - Child Line Assembly, Workshops and Website for Parents


I am pleased to be writing to tell you about the ChildLine Schools Service.  This is a nationwide service for every child in the UK in Years 5 /6 (in England & Wales).


This service will visit our school on Friday 6th November 2015 to work with years 5 and 6.  The visit will consist of a 30 minute assembly followed by a 60 minute classroom based workshop a week later. It has been specifically designed for primary school age children and all deliveries are provided in a sensitive and child-friendly way. The assembly and workshop(s) are given by ChildLine staff or trained ChildLine volunteers and pupils will be supported by school staff throughout.


The ChildLine Schools Service aims to encourage the children to identify with their right to be happy and safe.


It strives to encourage the understanding that any problem or worry that they may have is legitimate, and to share their worries – big or small – with their trusted adult; at home, at school, or with ChildLine.


The ChildLine Schools Service aims to give children:


  • An understanding of different forms of abuse, including bullying, and an ability to recognise the signs of harm or abuse

  • Knowledge of how to protect themselves from all forms of abuse

  • An awareness of how to get help and sources of help, including ChildLine.


One important question that ChildLine is frequently asked is:


Is there any information to help me discuss keeping safe with my child?


The NSPCC has a wealth of resources for parents and carers to help keep their children safe from abuse. The Underwear Rule, for example, contains guidance on having simple conversations with children to keep them safe from sexual abuse.


More information and downloadable guides (in a variety of languages) are available at www.nspcc.org.uk/underwear.


There is also comprehensive guidance for parents and carers about how to help keep their children safe online, including a tool which gives information about the top social networking sites. This can be found at www.nspcc.org.uk/shareaware


Please make some time to look at these websites; they are invaluable resources.


We are delighted to be able to offer this valuable service to our pupils, from the safe, familiar and supportive environment of their primary school. If your child is in Years 5 or 6, please see ParentMail for further details.
